Even though it was actually yesterday, I am still wanting to blog about our wonderful 1 yr anniversary today because yesterday there was just no time. I am shocked to see how fast this whole year went by to us with everything we have done and been through and seen and all the memories we've made. Its amazing and astounding and incredible that our love has been strong no matter what. Yes, there were bad times and there were good times and I just believe everything we have gone through together has helped our love become stronger and stronger and to be there for each other for support and encouragement. I love you so much and couldn't be happier and I will never forget the first time we met, our first date together and when we were just beginning to know each other and I am glad you are a big part of my life now.

Yesterday we took the time to rent out a mini cooper and drive over to where we first start hanging out a lot, to the place we would go and grab a bite to eat late at night, to the grocery store we would walk to at 1am with my ukulele for donuts and other stuff , and to many other places we been throughout the city. I seriously was very happy, going back to these locations brought back that nostalgic feeling, and everything was sentimental because there is a story behind every one of these places we been to together. Yesterday was such a happy day for both us, spending our evening together seriously was the best gift of all.
(1st photo) my gift from fernando, my new green headphones :D along with the game i been wanting since Deccember, Skyrim ;) im such a nerd
(2nd photo) our mini cooper for the day =]
more photos to be shared